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In this musical journey you will find two parallel stories that overlap in different moments: Jesus de Nazaret´s Passion and the exodus of thousands of refugees. We have assembled the text by selecting small passages from the Bible and fragments of news and articles dealing with the current lamentable situation of millions of people who are suffering the consequences of fanatism, war and political interests.

This work has been made with care, respect and sensitivity but also with a clear intention of moving consciences. There are a plenty of universal elements we can identify with,  regardless of our cultural heritage or beliefs: suffering, hope, uncertainty, compassion…..They are all common to human condition. Jesus own suffering matches human suffering, as the Scriptures reflect: ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Mathew 25:40)


Composición e Idea: DAVID ÁLVAREZ

Montaje textos: CONCEPCIÓN BUENO

Diseño Cartel: JESUS SUEIRO

Narración en español: MARINA BUENO Y CARLOS MAYA

Narración en inglés: MARIA TERESA SÁNCHEZ  (Traducción) y BENJI CÁRCELES.


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